1:1 Children's Coaching

Sleep support from 9 months - 12 years

If sleep challenges are getting too big or you're seeking guidance to manage new transitions in your child's development or family life, I'd love to help you. I have a range of 1:1 sleep packages to suit your needs and budget.

Are you looking for a gentle approach to night wean your toddler but continue co-sleeping?

Would you love a responsive plan to build your child's confidence to fall asleep without you?

Do you need help getting to the bottom of night waking or early rising?

No problem! I have a wealth of techniques and creative ideas to help you achieve your goals.

For babies under 9 months, I've designed 2 comprehensive sleep guides that you can instantly download to help you establish healthy infant sleep patterns at your own pace and troubleshoot common challenges.

How I work with you & your child

Each child is different. I always take the time to build up a full history of your child’s sleep habits and temperament through a questionnaire and 48-72 hour sleep diary. We'll explore lots of different factors that impact the timing, length and quality of sleep, such as feeding and nutrition, day time routines, health, allergy, developmental phases, mobility, siblings, childcare and home environment.

Understanding the root causes of your child's sleep issues, their individual sleep needs and why they are behaving in the way that they are will help us target the right strategies for success. Your parenting approach and family's goals are really important to me too.

I will help you to...

Optimise the environment for sleep

Shape a consistent routine that's age-appropriate

Introduce layered sleep cues that help your child transition between day and night & play and rest

Phase out sleep associations that are becoming unsustainable or overcome habitual waking

Manage behavioural challenges or night time anxiety

Support your child with emotional regulation and build their confidence to sleep with less input

Build your confidence to introduce changes in digestible, manageable steps

Troubleshoot along the way

Most children respond quickly to their sleep plan within 1-2 weeks, but others may require a more gradual approach over sequential weeks, especially if they are still feeding lots at night, have a particular medical background, not yet in their own room or they're experiencing significant changes in their lives externally or developmentally.

1.5 hr home visits are available locally to North London on request and charged at £80 extra Mon-Fri Daytime or £100 extra on Weekends.

20% discount offered for sibling consultations (where children are different ages).

The Process

  1. Choose your Sleep Package option below
  2. Sleep, health & family background questionnaire
  3. Review of your child's 48-72 hour sleep, food & activity diary
  4. 1-hour zoom consultation or 1.5-hour home consultation to discuss different options & timeframes
  5. Bespoke sleep plan and resources emailed to you
  6. Follow-up support included in your package

Sleep Steerer Package


A troubleshooting consultation with a little email follow-up if you’re looking for some responsive guidance and a step by-step plan to address a particular sleep issue, make some routine adjustments or support your child through a new transition.


  • Detailed holistic assessment of your child’s sleep patterns and your family’s goal.
  • 1 hour with me to discuss your bespoke sleep plan
  • Your step-by-step settling strategies and resources chosen for you
  • 1 follow-up email to use within 3 months

Sleep Booster Package


Work with me to get to the root causes of your family’s sleep issues and develop a tailored, creative plan to help your child fall asleep or stay asleep more independently, broken down into digestible shorter and longer-term goals. I’ll be there to troubleshoot by phone and email as you’re introducing changes.


  • Detailed holistic assessment of your child’s sleep patterns and your family’s goals
  • 1 hour with me to discuss your bespoke sleep plan
  • Your step-by-step settling strategies and resources chosen for you
  • 1 phone call and 1 follow-up email to use within 3 months

Sleep Motivator Package


If your family is in a sleep crisis, you have a number of issues you’d like to resolve with gentle strategies over a longer timeframe or you know that you’ll need check-ins and motivation along the way to confidently implement the progressive stages of your tailored plan, this offers a closer level of support over a longer period.


  • Detailed holistic assessment of your child’s sleep patterns and your family’s goals
  • 1 hour with me to discuss your bespoke sleep plan
  • Your step-by-step settling strategies and resources chosen for you
  • 2 phone calls and 2 follow-up emails to use within 3 months

My Top 5 Self-Care Tools for Parents in a Sleep Crisis

Sometimes it’s just not the right timing for you or your child to embark on big changes and a new sleep plan, so you need some quick wins to lessen the strain and make day and night feel more liveable – particularly if you are a working parent.

Download my free video to learn about simple but effective adjustments

you can implement in the meantime.

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